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More information about the Nits can be found on the official home page or on the nitsfans site.
If you have something to publish, just send it to me by
mail (alwin dot dieperink at gmail dot com). You can sort the list by clicking on the column title. Webmaster: alwin dot dieperink at gmail dot com
Adieu, Sweet Bahnhof
Recording of the Dutch radio program "Volgspot" concerning the concert in the "Koningstheater" in Den Bosch, Febr. 14, 2006Dutch radio
02.04.2006Jasper de Jong
(1825 kb)The Wind-Up Bird
Recording of the Dutch radio program "Volgspot" concerning the concert in the "Koningstheater" in Den Bosch, Febr. 14, 2006Dutch radio
02.04.2006Jasper de Jong
(1279 kb)Nescio
Recording of the Dutch radio program "Volgspot" concerning the concert in the "Koningstheater" in Den Bosch, Febr. 14, 2006Dutch radio
02.04.2006Jasper de Jong
(2414 kb)Interview Henk
Recording of the Dutch radio program "Volgspot" concerning the concert in the "Koningstheater" in Den Bosch, Febr. 14, 2006Dutch radio
02.04.2006Jasper de Jong
(9879 kb)The One I Love / Norwegian Wood
When Henk wondered aloud which song they were playing next, it was the oportunity for the audience to shout requests. Henk picked up on two of the titles, and they merged them seamlessly into one beautiful impromptu.Drachten
28.02.2006Ria Heeringa
(2928 kb)The Nightowl
Performence of Henk Hofstede, Pim Kops and Marjolein v.d. Klauw in the record shop Concerto, Amsterdam with the introducing of the book Yesterday's Tomorrow Concerto, Amsterdam
22.01.2006Jasper de Jong
(5532 kb)Who by Fire?
Performence of Henk Hofstede, Pim Kops and Marjolein v.d. Klauw in the record shop Concerto, Amsterdam with the introducing of the book Yesterday's Tomorrow Concerto, Amsterdam
22.01.2006Jasper de Jong
(3359 kb)Hey that's no way to say goodbye
Performence of Henk Hofstede, Pim Kops and Marjolein v.d. Klauw in the record shop Concerto, Amsterdam with the introducing of the book Yesterday's Tomorrow Concerto, Amsterdam
22.01.2006Jasper de Jong
(3239 kb)Dance me
Performence of Henk Hofstede, Pim Kops and Marjlein v.d. Klauw in the record shop Concerto, Amsterdam with the introducing of the book Yesterday's Tomorrow Concerto, Amsterdam
22.01.2006Jasper de Jong
(4446 kb)The Guests
Performence of Henk Hofstede, Pim Kops and Marjlein v.d. Klauw in the record shop Concerto, Amsterdam with the introducing of the book Yesterday's Tomorrow Concerto, Amsterdam
22.01.2006Jasper de Jong
(4305 kb)Who by Fire?
Henk Hofstede, Marjolein v.d. Klauw, Arwen Linnemann and Pim Kops play the song "Who by Fire?" from Leonard Cohen in the Dutch TV-programm: "De Besprekers"Dutch TV programm "De besprekers"
12.02.2006Jasper de Jong
(1255 kb)Famous Blue Raincoat
Henk Live in the Dutch radio program "Spijkers met koppen" performing Leonard Cohen "famous blue raincoat" referring to the book Yesterday's tomorrow of Marc HendrickxDutch radio 2 "Spijkers met Koppen"
28.01.2006Jasper de Jong
(4527 kb)Nits on BBC 6Music
Airplay from the NITS on Stuart Maconie's Freak Zone on BBC 6 Music on 18.12.2005BBC 6Music
18.12.2005Jasper de Jong
(5420 kb)The Keyshop
Live performance of the Nits in Dutch radio program "Cappuccino" Dutch Radio 2 "Cappuccino"
17.12.2005Jasper de Jong
(1584 kb)Interview Henk
Live interview with Henk in Dutch radio program "Cappuccino" Dutch Radio 2 "Cappuccino"
17.12.2005Jasper de Jong
(3547 kb)JOS days
Live performance of the Nits in Dutch radio program "Cappuccino" Dutch Radio 2 "Cappuccino"
17.12.2005Jasper de Jong
(1896 kb)Nits on BBC
Les Nuits on BBC2 with Mark Radcliff on monday 28-11-2005 with The Rising SunBBC2
28.11.2005Jasper de Jong
(1093 kb)The Pizzeria Netherlands
(2592 kb)Les Nuits
'Full' version (not a piano version).Netherlands
(5504 kb)Nashville Cats
This cover of a song by the Lovin' SPoonful was played as a short intermezzo.Netherlands
(1141 kb)